All faculty and staff are required annually to disclose and receive approval for any outside activity or financial interest by completing the University of Florida’s Disclosure of Outside Activities and Financial Interests form.
How to comply
It is the responsibility of the employee to disclose and receive approval for any outside activity or financial interest. However, UF Information Technology (UFIT) supervisors should review this form with employees at least during the annual appraisal interviews to ensure awareness of the need for compliance.
For any outside activities or potential conflicts of interest, this form should be completed prior to the commencement of the outside activity or acquiring the financial interest or each new fiscal year for ongoing activities and/or potential conflicts of interest. If more than one activity or financial interest must be reported, separate forms for the various activities and interests must be filled out. Additionally, any change in information must be disclosed and approved via a new form.
Per UFIT policy, the form requires the signatures of the employee, employee’s immediate supervisor, and the employee’s unit Director or Sr. Director.