Procurement Form Helpful Hints

Procurement Form Helpful Hints (PDF, 118 KB)

All purchasing requests for the UFIT Business Center must be accompanied by the UFIT Procurement Request Form. Completion of this form will not only provide a record for unit reconciliation purposes, it will also help ensure proper information is transmitted to the UFIT Fiscal Team. A few notes regarding the form:

• ALL requests require the completion of page 1. The Signature Approval must also be signed by the Unit Head. A request will only be considered with expressed approval by the unit leader. An additional approval signature line is provided on the form for internal use should your current business processes necessitate another level of approval. This signature is not required for BC purposes.

• All procurement requests require a Contact and Shipping Address regardless of the purchase. For items requiring additional delivery instructions, please refer to the Special Delivery section. For your assistance, the most used addresses appear in Appendix A of the form and the heading can be used in lieu of typing the address (for example, “For SSRB”)

• If using the Docusign process to complete this form, you can click and attach all supporting documentation. These documents will be included in the signature process, allowing all signors to view. If using the PDF version, please remember to attach your quotes to your ticket.

• A department ID and flex code is required for all purchases. For non-auxiliary requests, it is sufficient to provide your unit’s 4-digit code (i.e., 1402 is the Business Center). For auxiliary purchases, a complete 8-digit department ID is required. If this purchase also needs to be directly rebilled, please enter the ticket in myIT under Tier 1 Support and email the UFIT Billing Team at

• UF Procurement rules necessitate actions for purchases over certain thresholds. If an item is over $10,000 and not a sole source provider, a 3-quote bid is required before the vendor can be selected and the item can be ordered. If the total is greater than $75,000, a publicly solicited contract which is a result of an RFP, ITB, or ITN process and may include contracts with any other state institution of higher education, state, county, city, local school boards or other not-for-profit cooperatives and consortia such as GSA contracts, US communities, Education & Institutional CO-IP, Novations, etc. is required. If you are unsure of the status of a vendor and/or the ITN process, please contact your Fiscal Team contact for guidance.

• Procurement of new contracts or existing contracts requires additional information that must be completed in the Contract Request section. All new contracts must receive prior budgetary approval.

• Equipment requests require special processing if an individual item surpasses the capital asset limit of $5,000. Please include the UFIT Item Breakdown spreadsheet to specify the number of decals needed. This will then allow for proper decaling and monitoring by Asset Management.