Travel Guide

Step 1: Employee Travel Request

All travelers are responsible for following travel regulations as specified in the University Directives and Procedures:

Step 2:  Submission Travel Authorization Worksheet (TAW)

Complete the UFIT-Travel Authorization Worksheet.  This must be submitted via TeamDynamix at least 30 days before departure.

The UFIT Travel Worksheet must be accompanied with an authorization to travel from supervisor and Director.  Supervisor and Director approvals can be in the form of written approval, such as the signature line of the TAW, an email, or memo with expressed approval of the Trip/Conference name, dates of intended travel and estimated amount(s).  If written approval is not submitted with the TAW, the UFIT Business Center will seek this approval on your behalf, however this may impair the myUFL Travel Authorization timeline and your ability to make necessary travel arrangements in a timely manner.

Submission Process for UFIT Sr. Leadership:

For the UFIT Sr. Leadership, i.e. direct reports of the Vice President & CIO, the UFIT Travel Worksheet must be accompanied with an authorization to travel from the Vice President & CIO. 

Sr. Leadership Step 2.1: 

Traveler, or designee, completes the Travel Authorization Worksheet with estimates of expenses.

Sr. Leadership Step 2.2: 

Traveler, or designee, sends Travel Authorization Worksheet to VP & CIO via DocuSign.

Please note, if designee completes the TA Worksheet, the traveler’s signature is required using the “Director-level Signature” field on the worksheet and should be included as a signatory in the DocuSign process.

Sr. Leadership Step 2.3: 

Once approved and required signature(s) is/are received, the traveler, or designee, will submit a TeamDynamix service request including the worksheet as an attachment.

 The UFIT Travel Process will commence as per the usual from Step 3.

Step 3:  Travel Authorization (TA)

Any and all University business travel requires a Travel Authorization (TA) in myUFL. This includes day trips, whether University funds are used or reimbursement is expected.

The UFIT Business Center will submit the myUFL Travel Authorization on behalf of the traveler and will provide the TA number to the traveler once completed.

NO TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS ARE TO BE MADE PRIOR TO A TRAVEL AUTHORIZATION. Failure to adhere by this standard may result in loss of University PCard and/or travel privileges and/or disciplinary action.

Step 4:  Travel Arrangements

Travel arrangements, including registration and reservations, can be made by the individual traveler, an administrative assistant, or the UFIT Business Center. It is the responsibility of the traveler to ensure all UF policies are adhered to during the travel process. 

Step 5:  Travel Occurs

It is the responsibility of the traveler to obtain and retain receipts for registration, lodging, transportation costs, including baggage, and any extraordinary expenses incurred during the business trip.

If attending an event in which registration was required, a copy of the program and/or agenda is required for reimbursement verification.

All hotel stays are tax exempt within the state of Florida. It is the responsibility of the traveler to ensure taxes are not assessed upon checkout.

Step 6:  Travel Expense Reimbursement (ER):

Complete the UFIT-Travel Expense Report Worksheet.  This must be submitted via TeamDynamix within 14 days of your return.  Failure to comply within 14 days may result in forfeiture of reimbursable expenses.

As of October 2018, the UFIT Travel Expense Report Worksheet (TERW) must be accompanied with an approval of expenses from the traveler’s immediate supervisor and director-level approver*.

An expense report is required for reimbursement of all travel related expenses or to reconcile prepaid expenses using University funds.  Regardless if reimbursement is expected, a Travel Expense Report is required to close out the Travel Authorization (TA) and release any unused budget to the unit.

ALL original receipts, (hotel, taxi, airfare, baggage, registration, rental car, fuel, etc.) are to be maintained for a period of one year from business travel.  Receipts can be scanned and submitted to the UFIT Business Center via TeamDynamix.  If scanned and submitted receipts to the UFIT BC with the TERW, however it becomes the responsibility of the traveler to maintain original receipts for one year.  Should it be preferred, travelers may submit original receipts to the UFIT Business Center for processing and retention.

 For conference travel, make a copy of the front page of the conference program, along with the day you spoke or presented, and one copy of a page from each day of the conference (when applicable).

A director-level approver is an individual at an Assistant Director level or higher designated by the Sr. Director of the same unit to be an alternate approver.

Submission Process for UFIT Sr. Leadership:

For the UFIT Sr. Leadership, i.e. direct reports of the Vice President & CIO, the UFIT Travel Worksheet must be accompanied with an authorization to travel from the Vice President & CIO. 

Sr. Leadership Step 6.1: 

Traveler, or designee, completes the Travel Expense Report Worksheet with estimates of travel authorization amounts and actual expenses.

Sr. Leadership Step 6.2: 

Traveler, or designee, sends Travel Authorization Worksheet to VP & CIO via DocuSign.

Please note, if designee completes the TA Worksheet, the traveler’s signature is required using the “Director-level Signature” field on the worksheet and should be included as a signatory in the DocuSign process.

Sr. Leadership Step 6.3: 

Once approved and required signature(s) is/are received, the traveler, or designee, will submit a TeamDynamix service request including the worksheet as an attachment.

The UFIT Travel Process will commence as per the usual from Step 7.

Step 7: Payment

Receipts are reviewed and audited for discrepancies or clarification.

A Travel Expense Report (TER) is completed on behalf of traveler in myUFL. The TER is submitted to the traveler for signature of approval of expenses. The TER is submitted for budget check and approval in myUFL. Signed TER and all backup documentation are scanned and submitted. 

Once approved, payment to the employee, if owed, will be made via direct deposit within one week of approval.

Tax Exemption:

The University of Florida is exempt from applicable taxes within the State of Florida. A copy of UF’s certificate of exemption can be found on UF Purchasing’s website.

Cash Advance:

A cash advance, (as needed/as appropriate) is available for anticipated out of pocket expenses for current UF employees. A Travel Authorization (TA) must be completed prior to a cash advance. Complete the UFIT-Travel Authorization Worksheet.  This must be submitted via TeamDynamix at least 30 days before departure.

A cash advance must be reconciled within 10 days of your return date in addition to the Expense Report.

PCard for Travel:

When using a University PCard for travel it is the responsibility of the traveler to:

  • Ensure ALL authorizations are in place as described in the Travel Instruction Guide prior to use.
  • Receipts are submitted to the UFIT Business Center via ,y within three business days of purchase as per UF PCard.

Travel for Regular Job Functions:

When traveling out of town for every day, regular job functions where the trip is contained to one day and no expenses are incurred, a Travel Authorization (TA) through myUFL is not necessary, however departmental approval by the individual with budgetary responsibilities is required. While less formal, approval should still be in writing. This can include, but is not limited to, items such as an email, letter, or internal department approval form.