Employment of Relatives Policy (PDF, 99.4KB)

UF Information Technology (UFIT) policy specifically prohibits the hiring of any new personnel to the same unit where a relative is currently employed, and where the two related individuals would report to the same director.  A relative is defined as the following:

  • Spouse/domestic partner
  • Father/mother (in-law or step)
  • Son/daughter (in-law or step)
  • Grandson/granddaughter (in-law or step)
  • Brother/sister (in-law or step)
  • Uncle/aunt (in-law or step)
  • Nephew/niece (in-law or step)
  • First cousin
  • A person living in the same household

It is the responsibility of the applicant to accurately identify existing relationships within the University of Florida, and specifically within UFIT, as part of the application process. Failure to identify (or misrepresent a relationship) will result in a non-appointment.

It is the responsibility of the hiring manager to certify that they have confirmed with the selected applicant the non-existence of any relationships with staff already employed in the unit prior to candidate selection. Failure to certify will result in formal disciplinary action.

Current Employees

It is the responsibility of the employee to notify their supervisor and the UFIT Business Center in writing within 30 days of a change of relationship status. A written mitigation plan must also be submitted to the UFIT Business Center along with this notification.

In alignment with the UF policy, all employment of relatives with UFIT is specifically prohibited when a direct or indirect supervisory relationship would occur.

Properly documented, existing relationships are grandfathered under the previous policy and will not be subject to the conditions of this policy. For these grandfathered cases, a mitigation plan must be documented and submitted to the UFIT Business Center. All grandfathered employees will lose protected status and be subject to this policy through any voluntary position change within the same UFIT unit.

UFIT reserves the right to refuse appointment or terminate employment of a person in violation of this policy.  Additionally, UFIT reserves the right to refuse or terminate employment of a person where the relationship has the potential to create a conflict of interest.

This policy applies to staff and OPS across all units of UFIT. Student employees are exempt from this policy, with the exception of those where a direct or indirect supervisory relationship would occur.

The effective date of this document is June 20, 2019.

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