How to make a purchase order service request ticket in TeamDynamix:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Submit a Request.
  3. Click on the Submit a Request Icon.
  4. Click on the type of service that you are requesting, (Fiscal, Human Resources, and Travel).


    A. Procurement Services (purchase order requests, Amazon orders, IT contract for services).

    B. P-Card Receipts (owners of P-Cards must submit their receipts for all purchases ASAP).

    C. Other Fiscal (submitting invoices that are not associated with a current SR ticket, budget requests, project requests, expense questions/concerns, etc.).

    D. Employee Reimbursement (for exam/test fees, food, & beverage, etc.).

  5. Fill in the service request tickets fields with all the pertinent information.
  6. Attach the Procurement Form along with any quotes, competitive quotes, and contracts you may have.
  7. When you are finished filling out the fields, click on the “Submit Your Request” button at the bottom of the screen. Your request will be seen and addressed within one business day.
  8. Once the Business Center has processed your request you will receive an email, through the ticketing system, notifying you of the status of your request (i.e., “Here is a copy of the purchase order you requested”).The Business Center will also notify the customer, through the ticket, if any action needs to be taken place by the customer. For example, once a copy of the purchase order is attached to the SR and emailed to the customer, the Business Center will receive the invoice(s) for that purchase order. The Business Center will then email the customer and ask if the invoice is ok to pay (i.e., “Yes its ok to pay because everything was received”).
  9. We also require the customer to attach any packing slips, (signed and dated) to that SR ticket. If you don’t receive a packing slip, then an email confirming that your order was received will suffice.
  10. When the SR ticket is processed and invoiced, the Business Center will close the ticket. The customer can still go into the system and see all their tickets, closed or opened, for 30 days.
  11. Once the ticket it closed, a survey email will be sent out to the customers. We encourage the customers to respond to the survey so that we can use the feedback to improve our processes and the quality of services we provide.


NOTES:  Please do not fill in other information or attach any other documents to the service request ticket besides what is relevant to the ONE request you are making. If you have multiple requests, please make a separate ticket for EACH request. For example, if you have multiple vendors, (even if they have the same flex, fund, Department ID, ship to address, etc.) you need to do multiple SR requests.